Science for Social Scientists by John Law

By John Law

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In addition, further Labour voters have a conception of working-class solidarity, though without the element of conflict. Such voters say things like 'The Labour party has always seen the working class right'. Such class conflict or class solidarity views are rare among Conservative voters who tend, if they accept the existence of hierarchy at all, to see it as a continuum rather than as a dichotomy. 4. 4 STATUS HIERARCHY VIEW Two views of British social hierarchy We are not, here, concerned with the origins of such mental maps, though intuitive explanations spring to mind.

9 The suggestion, then, is that in a variety of ways, the culture in which human beings operate suggests a variety of further coherence conditions 52 People and their Knowledge over and above the search for economy. Or, more precisely, it structures how the search for economy will be achieved. Models that are developed in one area of experience (for instance the social) will be applied to other areas such as the natural because it is economical to do so. If associations can be ordered via such models, then the latter will be used.

Second, it also relates directly to the probability of the new evidence, given that both the hypothesis and the original body of evidence are true, and third, it relates inversely to the degree of probability of the new evidence given the truth of the original body of evidence. This last has the effect of tempering the importance of new evidence if that evidence would have been anticipated in the absence of the hypothesis in question, but, conversely, of increasing its importance if it would not otherwise have been strongly anticipated.

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