Phenomena in Gravitational Clustering [thesis] by S. Engineer

By S. Engineer

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1 studies some aspects of nonlinear evolution based on the assumption mentioned above. 1 to set up the notation and collect together in one place the formulas we need later. 2 makes a brief comment about the critical indices in gravitational dynamics so as to motivate later discussion. 3, we discuss the relation between density profiles of halos and correlation functions and derive the conditions under which one may expect universal density profiles in gravitational clustering. 4 we show that gravitational clustering does not admit self similar evolution except in a very special case.

There are two kinds of PM N body simulations discussed here: the two dimensional simulations and the three dimensional simulations. The 2D simulations allow us to explore a much higher dynamic range in the given computational resources and consequently many experiments are conducted in two dimensions. The 3D simulations correspond to full scale models for the universe at hand. The essential nature of gravitational clustering in terms of how the “particles” of the system respond is easily visualized in two dimensions.

The situation gets more complicated if we include the fact that all halos will not all have the same mass, core radius etc and we have to modify our equations by integrating over the abundance of halos with a given value of mass, core radius etc. g, abundance for halos of a particular mass could be based on Press-Schecter or Peaks formalism], and the final results have no real significance. It is, therefore, better [and probably easier] to attack the question based on the evolution equation for the correlation function rather than from “physical” arguments for density profiles as done next.

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