Historical Dictionary of Architecture (Historical by Allison Lee Palmer

By Allison Lee Palmer

Structure, which are understood in its most elementary experience as a sort of enclosure created with a classy cause, first made its visual appeal within the Prehistoric Age. From its earliest advancements, structure replaced over the years and in several cultures in keeping with altering cultural wishes, aesthetic pursuits, fabrics, and techniques.

The Historical Dictionary of Architecture offers info on architects like Frank Lloyd Wright, Tadao Ando, Leon Battista Alberti, Filippo Brunelleschi, Michelangelo, and Konstantin Stepanovich Melnikov, in addition to on well-known buildings just like the Acropolis, the Colosseum, the Forbidden urban, Machu Pichu, Notre Dame, the Pyramids of Giza, Stonehenge, and the area exchange heart. The dictionary examines the improvement of structure over the centuries via a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and thousands of cross-referenced dictionary entries at the significant architects, famous structures, time classes, kinds, development forms, and fabrics in global structure.

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By the early 1500s its old age and disrepair necessitated a completely new structure, which was begun during the papacy of Julius II by the architect Bramante. Many subsequent architects, including Michelangelo and Bernini, worked on the massive INTRODUCTION • xlix structure over the next several hundred years. While the western church was typically formed as a longitudinal, or basilica-plan, church, the eastern churches were more often centrally planned. The church of Hagia Sophia, built in Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) by Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus in the 500s, transcends Imperial Roman buildings in scale, with a massive dome resting on pendentives that link the round dome to the square plan of the floor.

Crusader castles, such as the Krak des Chevaliers in Syria, from the 1030s, were used in battle regularly, while Durham Castle in England, from the 1100s, was fully occupied with a church and palace. Romanesque churches, often built as great pilgrimage sites, are characterized by the use of columns and rounded arches that hark back to antiquity, while the heavy masonry and large scale of such churches provide a symbol of religious solidarity and political authority. The Pisa Cathedral complex, built to commemorate the Pisan victory over the Muslims in the 1060s, is a good example of this style.

Solar alignments leading toward the inner burial shrines at Newgrange suggest that the ritualized religion seen in this funerary context, together with the civic identity implied in the organized construction practices of these complexes, were likely both conflated and well-defined by the Neolithic era. Although a full understanding of the belief systems of Neolithic people remains to be developed, menhir alignments and circles, carved and arranged with some degree of consistency, can be found across much of Europe at this time.

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