Evol. of Spont. Structs. in Dissipative Contin. Systs. [LNP by F. Busse, S. Muller

By F. Busse, S. Muller

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3 . . . . . . . 9, 13,16 transparency . . . . . 5,38 supreme empowerment. . 20 tunnel your gaze . . . . . 2 temporary experience . 3, 13, two accumulations . . . . 19 24,36 view temporary experiences . . . 5, 10,17,21,27,38 . . 9, view,meditation,and conduct 14,37 . . . . . . . . . 5,38 the eyes . . . . . . . 1,3 6 vipashyana . . . . . 14,38 the innate . . . . . 2-4, 11 virtue . . . . . . . 12, 18 the second conqueror . . . 1 virtue is empty .

16 transmission of the blessings suppression and furtherance . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . 9, 13,16 transparency . . . . . 5,38 supreme empowerment. . 20 tunnel your gaze . . . . . 2 temporary experience . 3, 13, two accumulations . . . . 19 24,36 view temporary experiences . . . 5, 10,17,21,27,38 . . 9, view,meditation,and conduct 14,37 . . . . . . . . . 5,38 the eyes . . . . . . . 1,3 6 vipashyana . . . . . 14,38 the innate . . . .

16,17,27 hope and fear . 9,15 . enlightenment .. 9, 13,15,27, illusoriness ....... . 18 . 28,31,34 impermanence ....... 16,18 enlightenment in the future indeterminate state ..... 3,4 ........... 15 infallibility of cause and effect entertainments ....... .. 19 .. .............. . 18 entity of rigpa .......... 14 isolated place ........ .. 19 equipoise ........ 17,28,36 key point for speech ...... 2 even, empty-like space .... 12 levels and paths of full knowlexaggerations are cut internally edge ...

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