Encyclopedia of Islam (Encyclopedia of World Religions) by Juan Eduardo Campo

By Juan Eduardo Campo

The Encyclopedia of worldwide Religions sequence has been designed to supply entire assurance of six significant worldwide spiritual traditions—Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Roman Catholicism, and Protestant Christianity. The volumes were built in an A-to-Z structure to supply a convenient consultant to the foremost phrases, ideas, humans, occasions, and companies that experience, in every one case, reworked the faith from its frequently modest beginnings to the worldwide strength that it has develop into.

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Example text

Soviets withdraw from Afghanistan. 1990 ¶ Iraqi forces at the command of President Saddam Husayn invade and annex Kuwait, causing Gulf War I. 1991 ¶ United States leads international coalition forces in a successful campaign to expel Iraqi forces from Kuwait. 1994 ¶ Yasir Arafat, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, shares Nobel Peace Prize with Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. S. and coalition forces invade Afghanistan and depose the Taliban. S. and coalition forces launch Gulf War II by invading Iraq and deposing Saddam Husayn and the Baath Party.

1193 ¶ Death of Salah ad-Din, Ayyubid sultan. 1198 ¶ Death of Ibn Rushd (Averroes), Andalusian philosopher and jurist. 1199 ¶ Conquest of northern India and Bengal by Ghurids. 1203 ¶ Founding of Mongol Empire by Genghis Khan. 1206 ¶ Ghurids establish the Delhi Sultanate in India. 1209 1258 ¶ The Mongols sack Baghdad, ending Abbasid Caliphate. 1260 ¶ Mongols are defeated by the Mamluks of Egypt at Ayn Jalut in Syria. 1273 ¶ Death of Jalal al-Din Rumi, Sufi poet and teacher, in Konya. 1320? ¶ Death of Yunus Emre, Turkish mystic and poet.

In 1888, Abduh returned to Cairo, focusing his energies on educational and institutional reform. After becoming the head (mUFti) of the nation’s sharia court system in 1899, he worked to liberalize interpretations of religious law. In this field, he was especially concerned with the status of women and advocated changes in family law and equal opportunities in education, but he was often countered by strong conservative forces. Muhammad Abduh’s ideas were carried on by his associates long after his death.

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