The Nature of the Right: Feminist Analysis of Order Patterns by Gill Seidel

By Gill Seidel

This quantity demanding situations and extends the definition of correct and right-wing discourse as characteristically conceived in male scholarship. The 11 papers proportion a standard standpoint: a critique of the ideology of 'natural distinction' because the foundation for oppression of the ruled crew. In an intensive feminist research, the relation of domination among the sexes is visible as crucial to the tasks of the precise, during which the buildings of 'nations', 'races' and 'gender' current adaptations in time and area. In its linking of oppressions, this books makes a massive and well timed contribution to feminist thought and places the case for a thorough and altogether coherent rethinking of right-wing political area.

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The adjective 'important' is subjective and has little functional scien­ tific value because it expresses an unverifiable notion. - 'Individuals', 'social groups' and 'tribe' could have a general meaning without specification of sex. However, we can prove that we (again) 36 CLAIRE MICHARD have to deal with false general terms, that is, with terms referring only to the male section of society. It follows that there is arguably no contradiction between both asser­ tions because it is not the same inequality relationships that are discussed.

It is easy to understand that where there is no critical intervention, ideology, whether implicit or openly expressed, is indistinguishable from statements of facts. In this respect, the Left, which may consist of parties or individuals, is capable of producing a discourse of the Right, and of allow­ ing practices of the Right to remain intact. While this may be doctrinal homogeneity and Right-wing practice, this is not the case on the Left where numerous traces of the 'order of things' subsist, hence 'the dominant ideol- SEXISM, A RIGHT-WING CONSTANT OF ANY DISCOURSE 25 ogy' is not a meaningless expression.

When this relationship is hierarchical or exploitative — they are generally found together — these relations consti­ tute the order of that society. Right-wing discourse, and speech, which pre­ sent 'facts as they stand', claim, therefore, that these facts are correct, that they must be maintained and/or improved, according to their own logic and in conformity to their nature. Relations of domination, exploitation, inequality are held as socially necessary and, furthermore, they are some­ times dressed up in terms of 'complementarity'.

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