School Kids Street Kids: Identity Development in Latino by Nilda Flores-Gonzalez

By Nilda Flores-Gonzalez

Basically sixty two% of Latinos have accomplished highschool, whereas ninety four% of Whites and 87% of African americans have performed so. university Kids/Street childrens examines who drops out and who graduates -- and why -- between Puerto Rican scholars in an city highschool. utilizing role-identity thought, Flores-Gonzalez explains how a few scholars strengthen what she phrases a "school-kid" id that allows them to reach university, whereas others increase a "street-kid" id and drop out. in accordance with a year-long examine and in-depth interviews with Latino scholars, this booklet explores the consequences of taking this sort of identities -- which determines no matter if a pupil turns into, in Flores-Gonzalez's phrases, a "stayer, " a "leaver, " or a "returner" to school. college Kids/Street young ones describes the sociopsychological dimensions of pupil identification improvement and the impression that college practices have on them. It additionally deals tips on how colleges can facilitate the improvement of school-kid identities between Latinos and discusses how college reform can result in their tuition luck.

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The clus- 16 School Kids/Street Kids tering of identities results in overlapping of role identities that may become so intertwined that boundaries are blurred, making these role-identities inseparable and dependent on each other. To devalue one identity would mean devaluing the other, engendering drastic changes in the hierarchy. By contrast, when identity-threats are present, the status of the dominant identity is in peril. Thoits (1991) defines identity-threats as events that disrupt or can potentially disrupt a highly valued role-identity.

Fourth, the prevailing street culture and the limited access to the school’s opportunity structure translate into more chances to spend time and create closer relationships with non-school-oriented peers. Finally, as inner-city minorities, these students are exposed to many identity-threatening stressors that impede their attachment to school. APPLYING ROLE-IDENTITY THEORY TO STUDENT CASES The following cases illustrate the patterns of identity differentiation among the three status categories: stayer, leaver, and returner.

It is also challenging to form new relationships and to disclose the past role, especially when the role change was undesirable or the previous role was stigmatized. How successful people are in stopping identification with a past role varies not only according to the desirability and social approval of the role change, but also to the role residual that lingers after people have exited it. After exiting a role, most people still continue to identify with the previous role Patterns of Identity Differentiation 23 and to retain some of its behaviors and values, therefore impeding complete disconnection from the previous role, and in this way maintaining the ex-role.

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