PROTO SOCIOLOGY VOL. 8 9, 1996 RATIONALITY II & III by Editor Gerhard Preyer

By Editor Gerhard Preyer

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Of course, there is no guarantee that the similarities that play a role in the construction of an intentional description of one person are the same similarities that play a role in the construction of an intentional description of some other person. In short, on the minimal rationality view, there is no bias in favor of fixed bridgehead rationality. ) Even though Stich endorses minimal rationality as an answer to the question of how much rationality is required for intentional description, he complains that the argument supporting it is objectionable because the ‘limit’ it imposes on how bad reasoning can be, or how much it can improve, is both Pickwickean and profoundly uninteresting.

707; cf. Gauthier, forthcoming a and b) Consider an agent, Tex, who is offered Kavka’s toxin deal and is impressed by the support Gauthier offers for the principle expressed in the second sentence of this passage. Tex views intentions as psychological commitments and he believes that if he were to form the intention tonight to drink the toxin tomorrow and were to execute that intention, his life would go better than if he were not to form the intention tonight. Believing this, and believing that Gauthier’s principle is correct, Tex believes that he is in a position rationally to form the intention to drink the toxin.

Consider a modified version of my earlier variant of Kavka’s case. This time, to qualify for the ten million dollar prize, one must sign a contract stipulating (1) that if one intends at midnight to drink the toxin tomorrow afternoon and then does not in fact drink it, one is allowed to keep the entire ten million and (2) that if one intends at midnight to drink the toxin tomorrow and then does drink it tomorrow, one must return all but $100,000. Suppose that Tex had been offered this deal rather than the one Kavka describes.

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