Mastering Sociology by Gerard O’Donnell (eds.)

By Gerard O’Donnell (eds.)

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2). The family may at times seem oppressive and restrictive of the freedom of expression that the modern emphasis on the importance of the individual has aroused as an aspiration. ' The difference in views of young and old is often referred to as the 'generation gap', however this can be over-estimated. Certainly parents today have more time to spend with their children, and argument hru replaced physical punishment in many homes. A report by the advertisin~ agency McCann Erickson in 1976-77 found that the attitudes and aspira· tions of parents and their children were surprisingly similar.

Greater physical mobility, such as car ownership, communications such as television, and access to possible means of contact in an emergency - the telephone - makes the removal from neighbourhood and extended family less daunting psychologically than formerly. Goode in World Revolution and Family Patterns sees the emergence of the nuclear family as the main operating unit as a consequence of the needs of modern industrial society; certainly its mobility increases job opportunities and promotion prospects.

Although immigration from the Indian sub-continent has increased the importance of extended families in some areas, it seems unlikely that the extended family will reemerge in importance as many of its functions have been taken over by the Welfare State. SOURCE I I 1966 1971 I l Married couple with Married couple no children - -- I dependent children 0 25 50 only 75 Percentage - - 100 I independent children Married couple with Other households 1 Living alone I I 1979 1980 1 1 1978 1 Social Trends No12 (London : HMSO, 1981).

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