Introducing Comparative Education by A. R. Trethewey (Auth.)

By A. R. Trethewey (Auth.)

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References 1. , Comparative Education as an Instrument of Planning, Comparative Education Review, iv, 1960, p. 3. 2. Bereday, G. Z. , Comparative Method in Education, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1964, p. 5. 40 Introducing Comparative Education 3. , English Pioneers of Comparative Education, British Journal of Educational Studies, i, 1952, pp. 56-59. 4. Anderson, C. , The Methodology of Comparative Education, International Review of Education, vii, 1961-62, p. 1. 5. See p. 18-19. 6. Kandel, I.

As a basis of accurate information is quite vital for later interpretation and comparison, it is imperative that a number of checks be made. 42 Introducing Comparative Education The source of the information, for example, needs to be examined and tests of credibility apphed. W h o or what is the source? Is the source known to be reliable or is there evidence of bias or partiality? Is any particular kind of information from the source more or less reliable than any other? Consider a statement on teacher shortages by a Minister of education (or chairman of a local education authority or chairman of a local school board) and the leader of a teachers' union.

The task is therefore to develop the knowledge and skills that will facilitate valid comparisons between educational systems, and to warn against the inadequate or invalid use of the comparative method. ^ The necessity for this discipline has certainly not diminished in the last decade and remains both a justification and a task for comparative education—and, indeed, a reason why succeeding chapters in this book will discuss some of the pitfalls in crossnational study and alternative frameworks for it.

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