Domestic Wastewater Treatment [US Army TM 5-814-3] by United States Department of the Army

By United States Department of the Army

The us military Publishing Directorate is the Army's chief in publishing and supplying informational items world wide. Their major project is to provide professional authenticated info to reinforce the readiness of the entire strength. a few product subject matters comprise: military laws, Engineering Technical Manuals, Administrative courses, Circulars and Pamphlets. this is often considered one of their files.

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In the absence of adequate records, hydraulic capacities of four times the dry-weather flow will be used in the design. ) 4-5. Population equivalents. Suspended solids and organic loading can be interpreted as population equivalents when population data constitute the main basis of design. Typical population equivalents applicable to military facilities were given in table 4-3. These equivalent values can also be used to convert non-domestic waste loads into population design values. The effects of garbage grinding will be incorporated into population-equivalent values when applicable.

Civilian personnel under Civil Service. — NAF personnel. — Contractor personnel. — Daytime schools. — Daytime transients. The effects of birth rates, death rates, and immigration are not applicable to military installations. The assigned military population both present and foreseeable, is obtained from the ASIP. 4-1 TM 5-814-3/AFM 88-11, Volume III 4-3. Estimating future service demand. a. Nature of activities. The nature of the activities of the personnel at a military installation are a very important factor in determining per capita waste loads because different activities have different water uses.

Nondomestic loading. Nondomestic wastes are stormwater; infiltration, and industrial contributions to sewage flow. Stormwater and infiltration waste loadings can be determined by analyses for the constituents of normal sewage, as presented in the previous section. For these types of flows, the major loading factors are suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand, and coliform bacteria. c. Industrial loading. Industrial waste loadings can also be characterized to a large extent by normal sewage parameters.

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