The walk of the spirit-- the walk of power : the vital role by Dave Roberson

By Dave Roberson

Paperback: 408 pages writer: Dave Roberson Ministries (1999) Language: English ISBN-10: 1929339100 ISBN-13: 978-1929339105 Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.3 x 0.9 inches transport Weight: 9.6 oz

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And you will see, saith the Spirit of Grace, that even the devil will have to give place. Chapter 1 The Holy Spirit's Work Within In the eternities of time past, a vast, complex plan for mankind unfolded on the inside of God. In His infinite wisdom, He left nothing out as He looked down through the ages. He passed through generation after generation, planning every intricate detail of every life that would live on the face of the earth. God’s desire was to recover as many as possible from Satan’s rebellious camp and to gather unto Himself a people He could call His family.

Who do they think they’re operating against — a spiritual wimp? Satan is not an enemy to take lightly. He’s a smart fellow, and he comes for only one reason: to kill. He doesn’t do anything else; he doesn’t know anything else. And if you don’t take care of his strategies by the wisdom of God, he will succeed in killing everything good in your life. Since this is true, how can a believer consider spending two or three hours in prayer a sacrifice? What is he really saying? “I made a big personal sacrifice last night.

We had moved a couple of times and were living in a little town called Oakridge, where I had continued to work in the local sawmill. Early one morning I woke up in the Presence of God. I opened my eyes, expecting to see my familiar bedroom. Instead, I saw a big auditorium. There were several wheelchair cases on the platform. I was three rows back on the left. An associate pastor was conducting the worship service. Something was electrifying about the meeting, and somehow I knew it was my meeting.

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