Techniques for the Study of Mycorrhiza by James R. Norris, David J. Read, A. K. Varma

By James R. Norris, David J. Read, A. K. Varma

Volumes 23 and 24 of this hugely acclaimed sequence specialise in tools used for the research of either ectomycorrhiza and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza. Written by way of a group of foreign specialists, those volumes contain the main vast compilation of equipment on hand in this subject.

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The first comprehensive introductions to methods for the characterization of ectomycorrhiza were provided by Trappe (1965) and Zak (1973). Only brief remarks by Wilcox (1982) on the characterization of ectomycorrhiza are included in the more recent book, Methods and Principles of Mycorrhizal Research, edited by Schenck (1982). As ectomycorrhizal characterization has progressed considerably over the last 10 years, the updated compilation given in this chapter is intended to facilitate anatomical research on ectomycorrhiza.

The same can be found in Pinus syfvestris: coralloid systems are formed by Suiffus bovinus, while tubercle-like systems are formed by Suiflus variegatus (Agerer, 1990a). Unramified or infrequently ramified ectomycorrhiza are formed by Cenococcum on the latter tree species (Uhl, 1988a). Members of the genera Dermocybe and Cortinarius (Uhl and Agerer, 1987; Uhl, 1988a) can change the dichotomous forms into irregularly shaped systems. Coralloid and tubercle-like systems can also be found in genera other than Pinus.

10. 87 in M; E-G: from Herb. ) 2. CHARACTERIZATION OF ECTOMYCORRHIZA 35 36 R. AGERER morphs (Fig. 6E-G). Sections through ectomycorrhiza, however, can best be photographed in normal phase contrast (cf. 4 below). Guidelines for anatomical examination, checklists and comments are given in the Colour Atlas of Ectomycorrhizae (Agerer, 1987-1990). 1. Preparations for plan views Whenever possible, mantle and rhizomorph preparations should be made from freshly isolated material. Fixed ectomycorrhiza can also be used but unfixed structures are easier to handle.

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