Ordinary Differential Equations: Methods and Applications by W. T. Ang, Y. S. Park

By W. T. Ang, Y. S. Park

This introductory path in traditional differential equations, meant for junior undergraduate scholars in utilized arithmetic, technological know-how and engineering, makes a speciality of tools of resolution and functions instead of theoretical analyses. purposes drawn more often than not from dynamics, inhabitants biology and electrical circuit thought are used to teach how traditional differential equations look within the formula of difficulties in technological know-how and engineering. The calculus required to understand this path is quite common, regarding differentiation, integration and gear sequence illustration of in basic terms genuine capabilities of 1 variable. A simple wisdom of complicated numbers and their mathematics is additionally assumed, in order that simple advanced features which might be used for understanding simply the overall options of definite usual differential equations might be brought. The pre-requisites simply pointed out apart, the direction is especially self-contained. to advertise using this direction for self-study, urged recommendations usually are not in basic terms given to ready routines, yet also they are mostly entire with information.

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N X xm (iy)n−m . (n − m)! n=0 m=0 59 (10) In the double summation above, for a fixed n which runs from 0 to ∞, we sum over m from 0 to n. 1. 1 Let us now interchange the order of the double summation, that is, we fix m first and sum over n. 1, we find that we have to let m run from 0 to ∞, and for a fixed m, we sum over n from m to ∞. (n − m)! k! m=0 k=0 ∞ ∞ m X X m=0 x m! (iy)k k! k=0 x+iy ⇒e = ex · eiy . 60 (11) With (10) and (11), ex+iy can be evaluated in terms of real exponential, cosine and sine functions, that is, ex+iy = ex · eiy = ex (cos(y) + i sin(y)).

We use y = eλx , y 0 = λeλx and y 00 = λ2 eλx . Substituting into the ODE, we find that λ2 − 4λ + 13 = 0 ⇒ λ = 2 + 3i, λ = 2 − 3i. Thus, the general solution is given by y = Ae(2+3i)x + Be(2−3i)x where A and B are arbitrary constants. It is useful to rewrite the general solution as y = Ae(2+3i)x + Be(2−3i)x = e2x (Aei(3x) + Be−i(3x) ) = e2x (A [cos(3x) + i sin(3x)] + B [cos(3x) − i sin(3x)]) = e2x ([A + B] cos(3x) + i [A − B] sin(3x)) . Thus, we obtain y = e2x [C cos(3x) + D sin(3x)] where C = A + B and D = i[A − B] are arbitrary constants.

5. To convert the 2nd order ODE to a 1st order one, let s0 (x) = p(x). Thus, dp p = 1 + p2 . dx The ODE above is separable and can be solved as follows. Z Z dp p = dx. 1 + p2 The integral on the left hand side can be evaluated as explained on page 30 by letting p = sinh θ. This leads to θ = x + C. From p = sinh θ and s0 (x) = p(x), it follows that p(x) = sinh(x + C) ⇒ s0 (x) = sinh(x + C) ⇒ s(x) = cosh(x + C) + F. From the endpoints (0, 0) and (1, 0), we know that s(0) = 0 and s(1) = 0. This gives eC + e−C + 2F C −1 −C e·e +e e + 2F = 0 = 0.

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