Man in the Rockefeller Suit The Astonishing ar Fall of a by Mark Seal

By Mark Seal

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For a master con man, duping this group of mostly young, impressionable-looking Bostonians would be the ultimate victory. However, Rockefeller did not deign to testify; instead, he let his lawyers tell his story exactly the way he wanted it told. He sat silently as the prosecution witnesses recounted how he had tricked them, his only shows of emotion an occasional blink or a clench of his jaw. I had been investigating Clark Rockefeller since the previous summer and was convinced that the trial would answer my lingering questions about his fabricated life.

Then the text trailed off, leaving it up to Roxane to figure out what he meant. He called her shortly after that, suggesting they have lunch. They met at a fashionable Upper East Side restaurant, and he told her a little about his life. His parents had been killed in a car crash when he was very young, he said, leaving him with a sizable trust. He was forty, a graduate of Yale, and a single father—his seven-year-old daughter had been produced by a surrogate whose egg had been fertilized by his sperm.

Elmer and Jean Kelln are still in the same modest home, on a typically pleasant Southern California street, where they lived when they first met the man now known as Clark Rockefeller. Jean, a large, bubbly, hospitable woman, opened the door. “I made a chicken salad,” she said, leading me into a sunny living room with an upright piano in the corner. ” Elmer joined us in the kitchen. A short, compactly built man who looked a bit like the actor Mickey Rooney, he had recently retired from his dentistry practice and had become a faculty member at Loma Linda university’s dental school.

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