La didactique à l'oeuvre : Perspectives théoriques et by Janet M. Paterson, Jacques Cotnam

By Janet M. Paterson, Jacques Cotnam

Language didactics are at the moment in a country of self-examination and flux. fresh years have introduced very important advancements, significantly just about the communicative process and self-teaching. Discussions of didactics have gotten progressively more probing and self-questioning. within the first a part of this quantity, the reader will locate hugely stimulating discussions approximately diversified pedagogical ways. the choice of texts within the moment half indicates new pedagogical principles as a way to additionally profit teachers. The 3rd half illustrates the complexity of the matter of borrowing from English. ultimately, past the query of the worth of tools, manuals, and pedagogical practices, this quantity tackles the fundamental factor of team dynamics.

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Et Ruqaiya Hassan. Cohesion in English, Londres, Longman, 1976. Hymes, Dell. Vers la competence de communication, Paris, Hatier-Cre"dif, 1984. Mitchell, Keith. «Illocutionary acts in a pedagogical description. The grammar of requests and offers», dans Description, presentation et enseignement des langues, s. la dir. de Richterich et Widdowson, Paris, Hatier-Crddif, coll. LAL, 1981, p. 103-119. Richterich, Rend. Besoins langagiers et objectifs d'apprentissage, Paris, Hachette, coll. f/ References, 1985.

Modalite" et illocution. Pouvoir et devoir dans les actes de permission et de requete», Communications, n° 32, 1980, p. 216-239. Vives, Robert. «D'hier a demain : la grammaire dans tous ses etats», Le Franfais dam le Monde, coll. , feVrier-mars 1989, p. 92-102. Manuels d'enseignement cites: Courtillon, Janine, et Sabine Raillard. Archipel, livre du professeur, Paris, Didier-Cre"dif, 1982. Archipel 1, livre de 1'eleve, Paris, Didier-Crddif, 1982. Archipel'2, livre de 1'eleve, Paris, Didier-Cre"dif, 1983.

On n'y fournit pas de maniere re*guliere aux e*tudiants les moyens d'ameliorer leur prononciation du francais alors que la qualite* sonore de toute production orale constitue la base d'une bonne communication verbale. 7 Du point de vue grammatical Si Ton etudie le contenu de la plupart des manuels du point de vue grammatical, il nous semble important de mentionner les conclusions que R. Meyer et E. ] we can make the following inferences about traditional language teaching : - Language is the sum of its parts.

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