Idiotypy in Biology and Medicine by Heinz Köhler, Jacques Urbain, Pierre-André Cazenave, Heinz

By Heinz Köhler, Jacques Urbain, Pierre-André Cazenave, Heinz Kohler

Idiotypy in Biology and drugs goals to serve the expanding curiosity and involvement within the functional features of idiotypy in organic platforms. the concept that of idiotypy has got huge popularity and curiosity some distance past the realm of immunology. Experiments and interpretation of findings, pronounced right here, essentially help the overall nature of the idiotype idea in manipulating organic structures to right pathological stipulations or to enhance the immune version to environmental elements.
The ebook is geared up into 3 sections. part 1 discusses unique suggestions of idiotypic manipulations. It experiences previous and up to date information vital for the idea that of an idiotype community and stories on makes an attempt to accommodate the T-cell receptor paradox; explains the immune process by way of a round idiotype community that may be verified by means of sequential immunization; and emphasizes the necessity for regulations in community interactions. part 2 addresses the function and task of idiotypic and antiidiotypic antibodies within the legislation of the immune process. part three takes the problem of idiotype-antiidiotype out of the world of the immune method and discusses it as a brand new precept to investigate and manage organic platforms often.

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1 5 2 , 1024-1035. 35. Zinkernagel, R. , and Doherty, P. (1977). Contemp. Top. Immunobiol. 7, 1 7 9 214. Chapter 3 Regulatory Idiotopes Constantin A . Bona Department of Microbiology Mount Sinai School of Medicine New York, New York I. Introduction II. Immunochemical Properties of Syngeneic A b 1 , Ab2, Ab3, and Ab4 III. Functional Properties of Syngeneic Ab1, Ab2, Ab3, and Ab4 Antibodies A. Effect on the Antibacterial Levan Response B. Antitumor Properties of Ab2, Ab3, and Ab4 IV. Regulatory Idiotype Network References 29 30 33 34 36 36 41 I.

Combining sites) and each capable o f being recognized by the other clones because they express idiotopes on their antigen binding receptors. A key factor in this concept is the potential importance of receptor-specific regulation o f the immune system in contrast to antigen-specific regulation, as postulated by clonal theory. Network theory predicts a vectorial character in these paratope-idiotype interactions. Indeed, it was predicted that A b l bearing a paratope (designated p i ) and an idiotope (termed i l ) can elicit the production o f Ab2 which expresses p2 (specific for i l ) and an idiotope (i2).

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