Green and Pleasant Land: The British 1920s to 1930s Cthulhu by Andy Bradbury, Graeme Davis

By Andy Bradbury, Graeme Davis

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Liverpool -several Ramsey Campb stories . 9. PineDunes -Ramsey Campbell's Pi e Dunes. 30. Penmire-Adrian Cole's 7heHorror UnderPenmire . 31. Cornwall - Seaham and Nequay, in Brian Lumley's Mythos novel The Return oftheDeep Ones. 19. Tbkertown on the Moor - Robert E Howard's Solomon Kane stories . 32. Scottish Highlands - thesetting for he Coven of Cannich chapter of The Shadows of log Sothoth, The Mystery of LochFeinn (Cthulhu Companion) a d The Horror ofthe Glen (this book) . Also, Edinburgh, as in Brian Lumle 's House ofthe Temple ; likewise Temp e Houseitself, under thePentlandHil s, in the samestory.

These lead to thediscoveryofan ancient civilisation . Also in thePunjab, excavations at Taxila in 1922 yielded evidence of the occupation ofthat city by Alexanderthe Great, proving that theGreek conquerordid indeed reach India. Theboom in archaeology peaked in theearly `30s, and although discoveries from various parts of the worldcontinuedto be reported, there was no more `headine news'. Author- Graeme Davis 31 Follies Follies The English aristocracy have always been noted for their eccentric habits, and the building offollies is perhaps the most unusual ofthese .

Statistics for typical boat people can befoundinthe scenario, The Shadow Over Darkbank laterin this book. Tunnels TheDarkbank scenario is set aroundevents inacanal tunnel. Suchplaces areideally spooky - far moresothana railway tunnel. For one thing, the steersman standsinthe openatthe stern, exposed tocold, damp and dark. One is surroundedby darkness, faintly illuminatedby the boat's headlight and punctured by tinypinpricks oflight atthe tunnel portals, but often fogged by motor fumes . Ifthe tunnel is not straight, even this minimal illumination is reduced .

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