Combinatorial species and tree-like structures by Bergeron F., Labelle G., Leroux P.

By Bergeron F., Labelle G., Leroux P.

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FrJI~·~t§Qit 51 D'u-Zhi Dag-Pa'i Sem-Afc-Thril They are embraced by tbe female Bodhisattvas of the four puriiecl tima• co. "or the eye are Maitreya and Dbupa, ~. q~. gj ~ ·~ ~. ~·~ "'. ~~! Cl' 53 "' ..... - Na-"Var Drib-Sel Me-Tog-chen 1:or . anjushri and Gaodha. 56 Tral-Wa Che-Dang Nyiog-Ka-Dang The forehead, t-ongue, heart, 57 Te-Wa Sang-ne Kang-Thil-yon Navel, genitals, and sole of the left foot e.. ,~ . "< realms and the 6Ye emotional dc61emcol&. r-Pa'i ~ And ;1varice. ~! ddhas). Su, Wang-Po Reg-Cha Reg-Shey-Zhi The faculty, the objects of touch and tne sense experience of touch, 64 Ne-Dag Go-Wa-Yab-Zhi-La Are the four male door-proteC'tors.

0~ ~ which (put) a skull filled with ambrosia Or· with precious materials and medicine. (On top) put a mirror and a prism (as) the life-baae. Sit facing w~st. / _, e-. ~c:v~rgq~·~-~~ ·~:r ~ i FIRST-TAKING REFUGE _, '..... J ·"''~~ I Na-Mo, Kye-Med Ye-Shey Kha·Dro'i·Ku Homage. arnbi, the frA I)tbcr of aU tbe Victors (Bu:ftlh:1s). to you " co. tl Med-Par Kyab-Su-Ch' i I go for refuge· without association (with) or separation (from you). Repeat three tiJDQ. 0. / ...... lr~cR~t SECOND-DEVELOPING ASPIRATIONAL AND PRACTICAL BODHICITTA Ho.

Eric mandala of the B lood-drinkers 77 Ma-Lu Lu-Pa MeJ-Par-Dzog Is compJdc without an;· aqer-»4ioo.

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